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发布时间:2010年01月01日 10:48    作者:    点击:[]

    近日收到国际隧道协会(ITA)知名杂志Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (TUST)主编Jian Zhao教授的信函,鉴于我校李术才教授在国内外隧道及地下空间学术界的较高影响力,诚挚的邀请李术才教授担任该杂志的编委,从2010年1月开始生效。


Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology is an international journal which publishes authoritative articles encompassing the development of innovative uses of underground space and the results of high quality research into improved, more cost-effective techniques for the planning, geo-investigation, design, construction, operation and maintenance of underground and earth-sheltered structures. The journal provides an effective vehicle for the improved worldwide exchange of information on developments in underground technology - and the experience gained from its use - and is strongly committed to publishing papers on the interdisciplinary aspects of creating, planning, and regulating underground space. Towards this end, up-to-date reports of the International Tunnelling Association (ITA) working groups and important papers from major conferences sponsored by the ITA and other bodies are a regular feature of the journal.

Incorporation of Trenchless Technology Research, which provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest research and developments in all areas pertaining to trenchless technology, widened the scope of TUST to cover the installation, repair, and renewal of underground pipelines, ducts, and cables while eliminating the need for continuous surface excavation. The techniques include pipe jacking, microtunnelling, auger boring, pipe bursting, pipe splitting, pipe ramming, directional drilling and steerable and non-steerable moling, together with all methods of relining and rehabilitation. The performance of newly installed and rehabilitated pipes equally lies within the scope of the journal, while the influence of trenchless technology on the surrounding environment is central to the debate on the subject. Publication of research dealing with the relative direct and social costs of traditional and trenchless pipe laying, with novel geotechnical applications of trenchless technology, and with locating and mapping of the existing buried utility service infrastructure is equally encouraged.

上一条:李树忱副教授获国家基金科学仪器专款资助 下一条:中心承办全国地下工程超前地质预报研讨会


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